Monday, January 8, 2007

First Day at Work

I made it to Welwyn Garden City fairly easily and to Roseanne House (IBM office). I actually passed right by Platform 9 3/4 for those of you who are Harry Potter fans. I will try to take a picture on my way back to hotel.

Martha, the directions were spot on for getting to Roseanne House from the train station.

I chatted with the project manager who is working from home today. Don't think there is much I can do without him around. You can read some frustration into that if you would like. No one to great me here. The receptionist is very nice.

It appears my IBM id badge is old. Hello, I've only been with the company a little over two years! Apparently it won't work over here. They are looking into getting me another I think.

Found out some more information on Welwyn Garden City. There are several "Garden Cities." They are planned communities created 20 or so years ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are a ways from office, did'nt think uk that big