Sunday, January 28, 2007

British Museum

This morning I went started off searching for a nice breakfast place. I ended up heading down this street behind the hotel because I'd seen a pub on the map. The pub was a comedy club and closed. I kept walking and ended up at Camden Market.

It is this huge daily market that is partly indoors (a former stable) and outdoors and along the street and along the canal (Camden Lock) and and and. It was really huge and guess what? Really crowded.

There was a vendor with the most incredible donuts which I just had to have. That was it for breakfast food except a crepe vendor but he seemed to not want to serve me even though I stood there and stared at him for several minutes. He deliberately didn't pay me any mind.

I ended up going to the Mexican place because I had been wanting a burrito. It wasn't that great. Can't say that I've had a burrito with green beans and peas before.

My goal today was to get to the British Museum. I've got the Underground down. Oh, and by the way, I've also got the look left/look right thing down when crossing the street.

So, here's this week's "where's Jeff" picture.

I'm in front of the British Museum. The museum is really big. The center courtyard is beautiful. I guess the glass and steel roof is new (2000) but I don't know what it was before.

I did the famous permanent exhibits of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Most of the pieces are out in the open and very accessible unlike US museums that keep so much out of reach.

The Greek Parthenon pieces are beautiful and kind of complete my trip to Greece this past fall. The Roman pieces weren't quite as invocative for me.

The stairs to the upper Greek/Roman exhibits have some absolutely beautiful mosaics.

I exited out the back door of the museum and had my weekly call with Mom. Then headed to get some coffee and muffin.

I left the coffee shop and considered heading back to the hotel when I passed St. George's Church with a sign that there was going to be an organ recital. So I went in. What a charming little church. The church had been designated a World Monuments Fund endangered site. A restoration funded by that organization along with a big donation from Paul Mellon has put the church back to its original configuration and color. It is truly beautiful.

The organ was not a pipe organ or anything special but it sure was nice just to sit and listen and enjoy. The church's website is

I did make it to the Freud Museum yesterday by the way. An eerie interesting place. Freud's analysis couch for his famous patients and his chair where sat are there. Along with his collection of antiqueties.

There was also an exhibition called 'Paranoia' set up throughout the museum/home. Some odd choices. Some disturbing.

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