Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ahh, the glamour of flying

Disclaimer #1: I realize it is difficult to travel as a single parent with a small child.

Here's the story.

I stop at my usual Carabou Coffee on E concourse at MSP on my way to gate E16, the last gate. Young woman with baby in stroller, roller-board, diaper bag/purse, another bag over the shoulder, Visa card and some other stuff in plastic name-badge thing over neck, sunglasses on head...is purchasing latte something or other. I'm thinking, "that's a lot to juggle."

My plane was an hour late, then was only 30 minutes late. I had adjusted my arrival time luckily to arrive earlier than the hour lateness. I just went straight on to the plane. My biggest mistake had been to not check my seat assignment earlier. I was not in the exit row and if I wanted an aisle seat, I had to take a seat closer to the front but no leg room.

I make it to my seat and get situated. On comes young woman from Caribou Coffee stop. But no child and she's got a pacifer in her mouth. Not holding the ring of it mind you...she has it in her mouth! She puts her roller-board above...displaying some not so ripped stomach skin...yes, she's wearing a midriff or whatever they're called.

I look up the aisle and turns out she's handed the kid to the poor flight attendant who just happened to be standing at the front of the plane. Back to get the kid and then down into the seat with the diaper bag/purse. I think the third bag goes above, too.

One minute later she reclines her seat. This means I'm trapped. I cannot open my laptop with the seat in front of me reclined....there just is no room. So no working this morning.

Jump to the end of the flight. As soon as we stop at the gate, single mom gets up and picks up child with one hand. I have to give the kid credit. She has been very very good the entire flight.

With the kid crocked in one arm, Mom starts to pull down roller-board and the other bags exposing her lovely belly again. I, of course, could have offered to help but have no idea where to begin. The gentelman who had been sitting across the aisle from me and is now standing offers his help. Mom says, "Can ya take the kid?" There is general laughter among the crowd who has been watching the show.

Kind gentlemen offers instead to help with the luggage. Mom, child, kind stranger and luggage all make it off the plane without incident.

End of story.

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