Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Road Trip heading home TN - KY - IL - IA - MN

Leaving Dickson, TN
I went to college in Nashville back in the late 70's and early 80's. For Thanksgiving break I would go to Marion, Illinois to my step great aunt's.  Her brother was my mother's step father.  Mable Todd was a self-made professional woman and leader of her community.

Kentucky Welcome Center

Illinois first rest stop
 I was hoping that my trip home from Tennessee would take me past Marion and that I could pay my respects to this woman who was an inspiration for me.  My route did take me to Marion. I was not sure which or where the cemetery was but fate was on my side.  There are three exits and I for some reason I knew or remembered the second one would take me to the edge of town and that is where the cemetery would be.

 I used my phone to search the cemetery's online burial directory. I had a difficult time understanding the codes designating the location of Mable's stone. I vaguely remembered that there was an upright stone. After driving around and looking up the location several times, I finally figured it out and find her plot.

Mable's marker was completely overgrown with grass. I could see her mother and father's marker and by poking around the grass, found Mable's. I happened to have a Swiss army knife like tool which I used to clean up Mable's marker.

Marion square.
I placed a penny on the standing marker and was happy that I had found what I was hoping to find.

 The main feature of Marion I remember is the square. There is this enormous clock tower.  The tower is still there, however, the clock does not have any hands now.

I ended up driving all the way to Iowa all in the same day. I had not planned on getting that far but ran into a "dry" spell of no hotels.  I also ran into some odd weather with on-and-off rain and a LOT of wind.  Farmers were working the fields so the air was full of dust, dirt, and chemicals.
But by making it to Coralville, IA, I was that much closer to home for the last leg.

Minnesota Welcome Center
There isn't an Interstate way from eastern Iowa to Minnesota but the highway is divided if not a direct shot.  Finally hit some on-and-off showers in Minnesota but I made it home before 1pm.
The final odometer!
Total of 3,733 miles. The Escape Hybrid was flawless. I never got sore and I consider the ride very smooth.  Gas mileage averaged around 30 mpg which I consider excellent.  My left knee that I was so concerned about never got more than a little achy.

It was fantastic to see family and friends. It was also fantastic to see the country. I had been through most of the routes at various times in my life but this time of year highlighted how green and lush so much of the USA is.

There have been stories written lately on the Interstate highway system reaching 50 years old. The fact is evident in how close (and big) the trees are in many places.  In many places they come almost right up to the edge and even overhang especially in the Tennessee mountains.

The actual conditions of the Interstates are really quite good. I encountered a few construction projects but nothing horrendous. I am so glad I made this trip.


GeeCee said...

Welcome home! Was the knife your "Jeffery" knife from Cape May?

jaalspa said...

It was the Jeffery knife. Thank you.