Friday, May 16, 2014

Road Trip Day #2

The goal today was to get to Mom's place. That didn't happen. It was all Interstate Highway and good speed for the most part but I just cannot drive as long as I used to.

Central Illinois is super flat and also super green this time of year.  I never encountered any real rain but it was overcast (good driving condition) and off-an-on sprinkles.  There were several road construction zones with posted speeds of 55 but most were short.

There a lots of 18 wheelers on the highway. At some times it seemed it was just me and a hundred truckers. The economy must be doing better if all this trucking is happening.

Morning start at 17040.
Indiana welcome center.
 Standing water on all the fields while on the news the drought and fires in California.

Ohio's welcome center. Very depressing looking building but it was an earth-bermed structure so eco-friendly.

The Ohio town of Cambridge.
Made as far as eastern Ohio. Stayed the night in Cambridge where they have re-done their downtown. It is very lovely.

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

If you'd headed north on 71 ( I think), you would have seen my alma mater. It's just outside of Mt. vernon, OH, which was Paul Lynde's hometown. It's a pretty area, especially after the dreary, flat landscape of Indiana. Cambridge is also part of the National Road. If you follow the historic landmarks, you may run into my parents at Ft. Necessity. From there the Nat'l Rd heads toward Cumberland, a surprisingly charming town. It should be beautiful this time of year!

By the way, I'm stuck on Friday's puzzle, so I haven't looked at today's.

Brew says hey.