Monday, May 5, 2014

"lucky" Denver trip

Another business trip to Denver. Was planned a while back but only booked on Friday. My ex-employer and now contractor has an unbelievably inefficient or ineffective accounting process.

Anyway, because of the late booking I flew Frontier airlines for the first time. For some reason I thought my departure was at 7am. That is when the Delta flight is scheduled.

Since I've never flown Frontier and don't really see myself doing it on a regular basis, I figured I would check-in the old-fashioned way... at the counter. I was kind of surprised that there wasn't a line. Lucky.

The counter agent was extremely nice and accommodating. I got an aisle seat near the front just like I like. Lucky.

And I did not have to pay for my luggage. Frontier charges $25 for checked luggage and $35nfor carry on! The agent said it was luck that I didn't have to pay.

I got through regular TSA security on a breeze. So lucky.

Frontier's MSP gates are at the top of the E Concourse and right across from my favorite Caribou Coffee. Lucky.

There was a big crowd at the gate which I could not figure out. Jeff Pasoult, the local Fox News anchor, was going to be taking the same flight...odd coincidence. It turned out the big crowd was because the plane was boarding already! Instead of a 7am departure it was a 6:15 scheduled departure. I took my coffee and scone and boarded...I was in zone 1. Lucky.

And then the luck ended. Maintenance came on board... always a bad sign. Eventually the pilot got on the intercom to announce that some fins or blades in one of the engines were bent. It had to be determined if the damage was flyable.

About an hour later the pilot announced that we would be flying after all. Not sure if that was real luck. But guess what, our departure was at 7:15am like I originally thought!

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

What a great story!