Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Road Trip Dickson, Tennessee

I have two nieces that live in Tennessee. Jamie lives in Clarksville and Kristine lives in Jackson. Neither knew that the other was there only about 2 1/2 hours apart. Dickson Tennessee is about in the middle of both.

Turned out that Kristine was in Chicago and Detroit on a trip but would be driving through on Sunday. Jamie drove down from Clarksville with her three boys, Douglas, Duncan, Dexter.

Jamie and the boys arrived about 11:00am. We changed into swim suits and played in the pool until Kristine and her boyfriend. Anthony, arrived about 11:30. We all ate lunch at Cracker Barrel next to the Hampton Inn.

It was nice to see Kristine. She looked just the same. Anthony was pretty quiet. They had to leave as Anthony still had to drive to Louisiana.

Jamie and the boys came back to the hotel. We went back to the pool and played for a long time. I didn't have any toys but I had my underwater camera. There are about 1,000 new photos on it!

The boys have endless energy. I do not know how Jamie keeps up.  The littlest it one, Dexter, really took to me. Douglas and Duncan called me Uncle Grandpa (we have already established that I look like my brother, their real grand dad) or Uncle Jeff. I haven't heard my name called so many times repeatedly ever!!
Douglas climbing a tree. What else is an 8 year old gonna do.

Jamie and the boys, Douglas, Duncan and Dexter.

Uncle Grandpa with Duncan and Douglas.
We went to a state park to try to burn up more boy-energy. Turned out the little creek had fish, tadpoles, water bugs and crawdads(fish). The only one whose energy got burned up was mine.
Looking for crawdads.
We had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. I was exhausted and the boys were still turned on full. I don't think Jamie wanted to leave and Duncan definitely wanted to spend the night at the hotel. But she did finally head home around 9pm. I got to spend a full day with my niece.


GeeCee said...

I love it. Uncle Grandpa. What can't we do with that??

The boys are adorable! I so miss having little kids in my life. They are endlessly entertaining.

As much as I miss ya, take your time getting home. We had spring last Tuesday, and now it's hot and muggy.

GeeCee said...

I love it. Uncle Grandpa. What can't we do with that??

The boys are adorable! I so miss having little kids in my life. They are endlessly entertaining.

As much as I miss ya, take your time getting home. We had spring last Tuesday, and now it's hot and muggy.