Monday, November 30, 2009

Road Trip - Ely, Minnesota

Weekend road trip to Ely, MN for Pat Lammi's 75th birthday celebration. Stopped in Cloquet, MN at the only gas station designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The attendant was very nice and opened the upper level observation deck.
Here is Pat and the gang from Minneapolis that came to wish her a happy birthday. Front row left to right is Sam, Bailey, Pat (birthday girl), Linda and Amy. Back row is Bunny (Pat's daughter) JT and Jeff (crouching so he doesn't feel so tall).
Ely is the home of the International Wolf Center. From Pat's birthday party we drove to the other end of town to see these magnificent animals.
The Wolf Center has created a pack of five wolves from 3 different sub-species of timber wolves. They were very active while we were there. The guides were extremely knowledgeable and excited to talk about the wolves.
Back on the other side of town is a newer center for bears, the North American Bear Center. It is home to three black of which we were able to see after looking every where but under our noses.
There are lots and lots of video screens showing various bears and these three to greet you at the front door.
We drove back to Minneapolis via Duluth stopping at the lift bridge entrance to the Duluth harbor.
It wasn't really too cold for Duluth even though Amy and Linda look freezing.

1 comment:

Tia said...

Glad you had a good time while visiting Ely.Was this in the winter that you came up this way?

That Frank Lloyd Wright gas station always catches my eye also,and I remember like 35 years ago stopping there as a kid on our way up here..:)

Duluth is always chilly it seems,and always seems to look gloomy..(weather)..Hahaha..:)

Hope ya all had a good vist,and nice blog ya have too..:)
