Sunday, November 22, 2009

An almost nothing day

Today, Sunday, was an almost nothing was fabulous.

I stayed in bed to listen to National Public Radio Sunday morning show. Then continued my lounging while watching CBS Sunday Morning.

I finally got out of bed and fixed breakfast. I wandered over to Isle Bun & Coffee to get a coffee and cinnamon bun. I read the paper while sitting outside. It was a warm day though no sun.

Walked to the bank ATM and then home. Watched the Vikings beat Seattle and channel surfed. Frankie and Uno were quiet all day.

Finally at 3pm I decided I should do something so cleaned up some in the garden. Trimmed up the peonies, day lilies and irises. I let Frankie out so spent time keeping an eye on him. The garden work took about an hour and a half. That was it.

And no travel this week. Yeah!

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