Monday, November 9, 2009

Not one of my better ideas

I made a pact with myself to eat at at least one new restaurant a week. I had gotten into kind of rut with my eating choices. I've passed a Mexican place on the way to the hotel every evening so decided to try it.

The restaurant seemed close enough to walk to and it was a nice evening. I checked into the hotel and changed into jeans and least that was a good idea.

Well, I forgot that Dallas doesn't believe in sidewalks. I hadn't gone very far when the sidewalks ended and I was walking through grass. Then grass that had just been watered so I ended up walking in the road.

I finally made it to the restaurant, J Pepe's. To be honest it was a little scary looking. Only one other couple at a table and a few guys at the bar. After walking all that way and with nothing else around, this was it for dinner.

I ordered a variety plate with chicken flauta, a beef enchilada and chicken in soft tortilla. The food was actually very good.

Instead of clogging through the grass and all I thought I'd simply take the next street further from the freeway. Well, it was dark and deserted and ended up taking me further from the hotel than I reckoned.

Needless to say I made it back safely and certainly didn't need to go to the gym as the long walk was workout enough.

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