Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Weather Window of Opportunity

The weather this weekend was perfect. Highs in the sixties and lows in the forties. Perfect for finishing the backyard patio.

The temperature needed to remain above 40 and be dry in order to put down the special sand product called polymeric sand. It is swept into the cracks between the stones and then wet down. It dries hard and keeps weeds and ants from coming through in addition to filling the gaps between the stones.

I had gotten 5 bags when I bought the 5 tons of stone. The salesman at the stone place made the estimate. He was pretty darn right on. I needed about another half bag which I got Saturday morning.

Here is the patio just after the watering on Saturday around 1pm.

The next two photos are from today with the product nearly dry and beautiful. I am so so pleased with how it all came out.

It was a lot of work but the final result looks great and is just wanted I had envisioned.

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