Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cozumel, Mexico

Finally a non-business trip. Flew from Minneapolis to Miami. Then Miami to Cozumel in a prop-jet. I thought you couldn't fly directly from the United States to Cuba but I guess you can. There was an American Eagle flight from Miami to Havana right before my flight.

Got here safe and sound. The flight to Cozumel was not full and took a little over an hour. They didn't have the custom's forms on the plane so had to fill out in the airport. Got through passport control and the very short custom's declaration line where you press a button. If the light turns red, you have to have your bags searched. It the light turns green, you get to go on through.

Paid my taxi fare at the airport window...$8 US or 78 pesos. Turns out I had quite a lot of pesos left over from my last trip so using them. The exchange rate this month is almost exactly 10 to 1. 10 pesos to one dollar. Makes easy for calculating in my head.

First thing you have to do when you get here is not worry about time. I didn't even bring my watch. Even though I was the first in the transport, the drivers want to fill up the van to make it worth it. My hotel is on the north side and not as many people stay on this side. It took a while to get more passengers so I just sat and read my book.

I was the first to be dropped off at my hotel which is not far from the airport. I dumped my stuff in the room; put on my swimming suit; went down to the beach and jumped in the ocean. The beach at my hotel is all man made because we actually are sitting on the coral. The water off the pier is pretty deep...probably 15 feet or more but crystal clear and full of fish. The corals were pretty damaged up by Hurricane Wilma a few years ago. The hotel itself was nearly destroyed.

The corals are coming back and soon will be quite spectacular.

Towel art.

The famous sunsets...

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