Sunday, July 6, 2008

Home again

Went for my traditional last morning snorkel on Saturday. Decided I would try to see if the giant eel was in its lair. But it wasn't.

Did see an octopus though. So fascinating. It was tucked into the side of the "wall" doing a pretty good job of blending in but not enough.

Got checked out of hotel and off to airport without any hitches. Had a long layover in Dallas so had dinner and made some phone calls.

After we took off, the pilot told us we had the rate opportunity of a second sunset. As were were taxing to the runway, the sun set in Dallas. Because we were traveling north, the sun came back up just above the horizon and stayed there for quite a while as we flew due north. It finally set for the second time about half hour or more into the flight.

1 comment:

GeeCee said...

It sounds like a lovely trip! And just think, you could have been sitting on a plane for 17 hours only to spend a week on the Cape of Storms. Ahhh, well. Maybe next year.