Thursday, July 24, 2008

An expensive cup of coffee

I had a dentist appointment this morning at 8am. I went to the dentist office and had my teeth cleaned.

On my way home I decided to stop at my favorite coffee spot, Isles Bun & Coffee. I traveled the usual way by turning left onto Isle Parkway off of Lake Street. Guess that isn't allowed between 7 and 9am. I didn't know and I've driven that for years.

Well, I made the turn at 8:50am. A cop was there with two other cars pulled over. I joined the line of cars receiving their "moving violation."

The violation amount? $125.00!! Cup of coffee. $2.00. Total: $127.00 for a cup of coffee!!!


Anonymous said...

Bummer, about the ticket, Jeff:(

Anonymous said...

You should talk to Diane, she had something simular happen last month.