Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Quick trip to EcoEternity

My Mom sent out an invitation to join her on a trip to Camp Highroad near Middleburg, Virginia. Camp Highroad is a Methodist summer camp that has recently started burials in their forest. I decided I would fly out for the day to join her, my brother Loyd and my sister Carol.

Click here to read about EcoEternity

I got up at 4am on Tuesday to catch a 6am flight to Chicago. About a two hour layover then the regional jet from Chicago to DC Reagan National. Picked up my rental car and called Loyd. Mom was driving out in her rental car to meet Loyd in Warrenton. Carol was driving herself directly to Camp Highroad.

I made it to Warrenton and thought I had a little time so headed to Frost Diner for lunch. Loyd called asking me where I was. Mom had already arrived. My flying out to go was a surprise for Mom. I hadn't made it inside Frost Diner and headed over to the Rankin Hardware Store where Loyd was and met Mom in the Tadpole Restaurant. She was surprised.

We stopped in the hardware store to use the restroom. Mom really was impressed by this grill.

We took my rental car to Camp Highroad.

Carol was waiting for us. She had gotten there early and had looked around the camp part.

Rick Dawson, the Director, met us and we took the "mule" into the forest. The mule is a motorized carrier with just enough room for the five of us. I was glad we took the mule. It was muddy as Virginia has gotten a lot of rain during this Spring.

There are trees with red or green ribbon around them. Those are the trees you can "lease" for burial of your ashes. We walked around and Mom checked out which tree she wanted. She decided on #218. It is on a Popular, straight and tall, on a rise with a beautiful view.

I think this burial idea is great. The Camp Highroad site is beautiful and quiet. I was so glad I flew out for this event.

We drove to Middleburg from the Camp. Such an incredibly beautiful area with horse farms, forests, pastures, dry rock fences and views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Carol went home from Middleburg. Mom wanted to go the "back way" back to Warrenton so Loyd drove. We head out of Middleburg towards The Plains.

For the rest of this story you have to know that my Mom drove a school bus before I was in school and while I was in elementary school. So while we're heading out of Middleburg Mom comments that she thinks she had a school bus route out here. And she says, "I think I got lost around here."

Loyd asks, "What about the kids? What did you do with them?"

Mom says, "Oh, I never did find them."

Oh, my gosh. I laughed so hard there were tears streaming down my face. It still makes me laugh just writing it and remembering.

I came home on Wednesday. Woke up at 3am my time (4am eastern) to catch a 6:50am flight out of Reagan National. I got back to Minneapolis around 11:00am. A great trip.

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