Thursday, June 5, 2008

Friendly faces

Didn't United at some point have a fly the friendly skies advertising campaign?

Seeing a friendly face and having the person remember you is something that makes my business travel so much more tolerable. On my flight Monday from Minneapolis to Dallas was Rachel (pronounced Ra-shell), who also goes by Shelly. We spent a lovely 10 hours on a plane in Chicago probably 3 years ago now.

I don't see her often even though she is based in Minneapolis. But everytime she sees me there is a wonderful smile on her face and we chat about what's been going on in our travel lives.

And at the hotel I stay at in Dallas, the Hilton Anatole, the parking attendant is the nicest person. She remembers my name and always has a nice word to say. Also, the attendant and trainer at the gym has gotten so used to seeing me, he recognized me at a restaurant up in Irving when I was out to lunch.

Those little things that take the impersonal out of business travel.

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