Sunday, June 1, 2008

Uptown and severe weather

I was walking around my neighborhood doing errands and such and was thinking how much a enjoy living in Uptown.

On my way to my favorite coffee shop I ran into Rose sitting outside another coffee shop and we chatted for a bit about the beer festival that was being setup in the street.

The folks at my coffee shop all know me and were shocked when I ordered a different coffee from my usual.

From the coffee shop I headed to my bank. And then to the grocery store. Looking at the various yard gardens people have been working on.

About an hour later I walked up to my training gym and had a great workout. Got home took a shower and Rose stopped by after her baking class at Kitchen Window in Calhoun Square (in Uptown, of course).

Later in the day we had some incredible weather. The weather sirens went off in Uptown but the sun was shining. Turned on the tv and this bad storm was headed my way.

All the sudden it started hailing. A little bigger than pea size hail but lots and lots of it. There wasn't any lightening or thunder. Then it started to rain pretty heavy. It stopped and the sun came out again. Then the hail started again and the sun was still shining bright.

Rose and I were supposed to meet Amy and Bunny at Amy's house. We postponed until the storm was over. Driving to Amy's in St. Louis Park there was so much hail piled up that it looked like a snowstorm had come through.

And there were lots of trees down. A couple of blocks from Amy's, a tree had fallen on a house and there was more hail than I had ever seen.

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