Thursday, May 29, 2008

Home this week

As you've probably figured out I am working from home this week. The project has early morning meetings every day so I am up early and end up working to around 6pm. Hardly seems like a holiday week.

I often go to the Dunn Bros. coffee shop at Bryant and Lake in the afternoon. Just a chance to see that there are other people around and to avoid the urge to go upstairs and lie down. Only made it once this week. The famous writer and storyteller, Kevin Kling, was there.

I have gotten some home project work done. Primed the front porch where the white paint was peeling. Got the porch windows out and the screens in. Finally replaced the hinges on the back porch door. That door wasn't closing and had been driving me crazy.

Franky loves going out on his harness and leash.

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