Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Monday, May 5

The hotel had a Cinco de Mayo brunch yesterday (Sunday). There wasn't really anything that made it Cinco de Mayo-ish. You could pick various things to be grilled and there were some tortilla chips and salsas. None of the salsas were tomato-based. There was a particularly good one with beets. It was all you could drink from the bar so in honor of the day, I had 3 margaritas.

The hotel is building a Mexican Cantina near the pool as another restaurant. Perhaps Mexican is the next big thing here.

I did not leave the hotel the whole day. While we aren't far from the city center it does take a long time to get anywhere. I simply didn't feel like dealing with the hassle and needed to rest and relax. I got 40 spf sunscreen from the spa and laid out under a palm tree and read. My co-worked joined me and we talked about work and stuff. He went to get a facial and I went to the gym.

I decided to have another massage. I'm feeling a bit pampered.

Another week of work then home on Friday. We are going to Bangalore tomorrow just for the day. There is another team of IBMers working on the project in Bangalore. It is a 2 hour flight south so tomorrow is going to be a long one.

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