Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hyundai Elantra

I have to say right off the bat that I did not like this car. First, the color. It was a silver-blue-steel sort of color which just didn't look right. The style is kind of 80's - and not good-retro.

The inside is plain jane though it was comfortable and good peppiness. There was a really bad rattle when you came to a stop. The engine idle got the tailpipe to vibrate, I think, and tat-tat-tat-tat from the rear.

I only had the car for a day and that was long enough for me. Matter of fact, when I turned it back in on Thursday morning, the Hertz checker said, "You only drove two miles?!" Their odometer checker was either wrong from the previous driver or wrong for me. I (IBM) still got charged $7 for gas/wear-and-tear.

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