Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Return to Dallas

Here I am. Back in Dallas again. Was'nt really expecting to be here again this month. It probably goes without saying but it was HOT yesterday and today looked like it was going to be another scorcher.

It rained a little bit and actually cooled things down instead of making it stickier, thank goodness.

I'm hoping the heat stays away for the rest of the week I'm here.

Different story...
I like going to the grocery store for lunch sometimes. Grazing through the salad bar seems healthier than fast food joints. I got some cottage cheese and peach slices (canned) to go on top.

Took them to the check out and the cashier (a young girl) asked me if that was cottage cheese. I said yes and she asked me if it was any good. What??!!

I asked, "You've never had cottage cheese?" "No," she said. I thought that was kind of amazing.

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