Monday, June 23, 2008

The story of a tree

The before. Notice how much of the one side is dead or dying.Another angle of the "before." There is actually a large broken limb lodged in the center.

Most of the green side is gone.

Thar she goes...heads! limbs....
Just the big pieces left.

Here's the trunk. The left part of the closest piece is just spongy. And so is the top part of the piece behind.

The backyard after. The bareness is so dramatic.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very creative, when people read this it widens our imaginations.

GeeCee said...

That's a huge difference. I'm having trouble getting my mind around it. Weird about the sponginess. Did they say what killed it? And, please, no "Twasn't aeroplanes! Twas beauty killed the tree!" Hey! Maybe the peonies were too much competition....

Anonymous said...

Good thing it wasn't an EcoEternity tree. It doesn't even look like the same back yard.