Saturday, April 19, 2008


What is with people ignoring police, ambulance and fire truck sirens?! I was just stopped at a light and could hear a siren. I looked to the left and there was a fire truck approaching the intersection. The left turn light changed green and the first car pulled out and made the turn into the intersection with the fire truck headed her way. Totally ignoring that an emergency vehicle was coming.

Then the next car even started to enter the intersection as if the fire truck were going to stop at a red light!! I honked my horn and the did stop. The emergency vehicle traffic light system did switch the light to red but I couldn't believe that these people were just oblivious or arrogant.

Also, watched a bicyclist ignoring a traffic light by going through a red light with an oncoming UPSPS delivery vehicle in the oncoming lane. The driver of the USPS car was talking on his cell phone! Both are idiots.

I just paid $3.44/gallon for gas! It has gone up .20 in just a week. I don't actually drive my own truck very much because of all the travel but it cost $40.00 to fill it up. And we haven't gotten to the summer driving season yet. Looks like buying a hybrid truck was a pretty good idea.

Aunt Donna, I think you and Uncle Larry should start drilling for oil. You are probably the most likely members of the family to strike it. The copper wire thing finds dead bodies and buried electrical cables. Does Uncle Larry have an oil divining method?

I bought groceries yesterday. $70.00 for one person for about 3-4 days! I know I eat a lot and a lot of it is protein-dense but I could swear I was paying $50.00 just last year for the same amount of food.

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