Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another update

Wednesday, April 30
My reports are really for the previous day. I'm writing this from the hotel while waiting for the shuttle bus to go to the IBM office.

Still not able to eat very much but slowly feeling better. We went out to lunch as a group. Drove across the city to a shopping mall called City Centre. Mostly western style clothing stores and such. There are restaurants on the top floor. Luis, the project manager from the US that came over is Hispanic. As we were riding up the elevator at the mall two women get on speaking Spanish. In a country of 1.3 bill lion who would ever think you would run into Spanish speakers?!

Hyderabad is a hilly city. We drove through the area of the city called Jubilee Hills to get to City Centre. Not tall hills but rolling with enormous boulders everywhere. Hyderabad and its neighbor, Secunderabad, are referred to as the Twin Cities. How about that!

Still haven't done any site seeing for real. On the taxi ride back to hotel we passed a big festival near the hotel and had to wait while they shot off fireworks on the street. Tomorrow is a holiday - Labor Day. I'll be working from the hotel but plan on getting done at a reasonable time and going to see the Charminar and maybe do some pearl shopping -- Hyderabad is known for fresh water pearls.

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