Friday, April 4, 2008

I would suggest not traveling with me

I guess I can't complain too much but flight last night from Dallas was about an hour late. Some really big storms in the area and the incoming flight was diverted way south then way some where else.

Once it landed they did a pretty fast job of turning it around. I got upgraded to first class and was the first one down the gang plank/gate way. Had to wait outside the plane while the cleaning staff finished up. The gate attendant asked the pilot what was the delay so that's when I heard the story of flying all over. He then went outside and checked the plane pretty thoroughly. He even had a flashlight.

I was in the first row of first class so was closests to the cockpit. I could hear the automatic pilot voice telling the pilots how far off the ground we were when we were landing. "Fifty feet...thirty feet....ten feet....five...." It was kind of disconcerting.

This is a short turn around this week. I go back to Dallas on Monday.

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