Saturday, August 22, 2015

Small project, major satisfaction

I looked back on the blog for when I had the walnut shell counters installed. It was in January 2012. Original counter project

I had the bathroom sink counter changed at the same time, I did not have the little pillaster counter changed, however. It has only been a slight bugaboo for me that the counters did not match. You can't see much of the pillaster counter. You can see a bit of the old counter in this blog entry.
But the dumpster inspired me again. The old counter came off a bit easier than I thought it would. The counter consisted of tile, glue, plywood, more glue and nails. It all came off with minor damage to the wall and a corner of the pillaster.

There was a large section of the walnut counter left over. It was the cut-out for the kitchen sink. The walnut shell and epoxy material was not easy to saw but I really like how it all came out. Now the bathroom counters all match.

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