Friday, January 13, 2012

New Kitchen Counter Top

 It has already been ten years since I remodeled my kitchen.  That was a big job and I have loved my kitchen.
 I was warned about a tiled counter top.  The grout lines can be difficult to keep clean and stuff gets caught.

And it has been true.  It isn't really too bad but the grout was getting a bit grungy looking.
 So I decided last year I would replace the counter top.  I searched around for an eco-friendly surface.  I was really thinking of the crushed glass tops I've seen on HGTV but they are really expensive.
I found this surface at Natural Built Home in Minneapolis.  The counter top is made of crushed walnut shells in an epoxy.  There are many shades of browns.  The surface is polished and waxed.

I order the counter top before Christmas.  After taking detailed measurements, the counter top was fabricated and now delivered today.

 This is an interesting closeup shot which shows the pieces of the shells.
This closeup shows the different shades of brown.

1 comment:

Kay said...

I love it! Is it all done now? Are yku doing anything else in the kitchen? The countertop is just perfect for the decor.