Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Powder room project - day 2

This my work attire. When I'm cutting through the wall I add safety goggles. Pretty.

In the background is my setup for getting the debris out. And the fan is used to blow the dust out of the house and not into the house. The setup works really well. The fan is removed for debris tossing.
This section of wall came down nearly intact. For your information this is what the back of a plaster and lathe wall looks like.

Day 2 was about taking down the plaster and lathe walls. This is the wall where the toilet was and the new one is going.
This is the corner where the sink was. The new sink will be along the wall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great. When I finally get back to Minneapolis, I'll want a tour! Love you. Matt arrives today. And the retaining wall is coming down as we speak.
