Sunday, August 30, 2015

Disappointment and dishonest

What follows is the email I sent to

To Whom It May Concern,
I purchased a Geek Squad monthly service plan when I purchased my Nokia Lumina 1020 last year in May. I have been making the $9.99 monthly payments with the belief that if there were a phone defect, the phone would be repaired or replaced.

The camera stopped working the other day so I took the phone into the Geek Squad. After waiting for nearly an hour and not being paged, I returned to the service desk and was assisted (without any acknowledgement that I had been waiting). I was told my phone could be replaced with a $150.00 service fee. I questioned this and asked to speak to a manager.

The manager assured me that the service fee applied after the one year phone warranty expired. I asked to see the terms of the Geek Squad agreement. There is a vague reference to the possibility of a service fee. I mentioned that I had not ever received any service on the phone and since I had already paid more than $150.00 on monthly payments would the manager please override the service fee. Also, it seemed deceptive that the Geek Squad coverage was no better than the phone’s warranty. The manager would not override the fee (which is an option on the screen).

I left the store very disappointed and disillusioned. I had been given the impression that the Geek Squad service would cover the repair or replacement of my very expensive phone. I do not normally purchase these types of service agreements because of the concern of being ripped off. Well, that appears to be exactly what happened.

I have already canceled the service agreement. I would hope that Best Buy would honor the intent of the Geek Squad service agreement and cover the repair or replacement. If not, I believe reimbursement of the 16 months of $9.99 payments is in order.

Jeff Alspaugh
GSP #5157617163
Purchase date 05/12/2014

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