Monday, August 17, 2015

Frankie update

I may have not mentioned this to some but Frankie has lost a lot of weight (at least for a cat). He weighs one pound less this year over last year's annual check up. His vet was concerned so we decided to monitor his weight.

He hasn't gained back any weight since his 2015 checkup and has had a couple of big throw-up incidents. I took him back to the vet last week for a full blood workup.

The results have come back with two rather inconclusive things. One is that he is slightly anemic. That could be caused by a trauma event (none that I am aware of) or a stroke (don't think so) or cancer (his vet could not feel any growths).

The other blood result is that he is on the high end of normal for thyroid function. He is not in to hyperthyroidism realm as I had thought last week.

At this time we are going to wait a couple of weeks and have another blood test done. This will be to see if his red blood count improves are not. There won't be any action on the thyroid until the anemia is figured out.

The good news is he is in good spirits. He doesn't seem anymore out of sorts that normal. He really loves licking frozen ice packs or the inside of the freezer. My friend Jill just posted a video of cats enjoying a giant ice cube made by filling a balloon. I think I will give that a try.

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