Monday, May 25, 2009

Toyota Yaris

New policy at work that we can only rent compact cars. Because I rent so often Hertz usually gives an automatic upgrade. Well, last week I got real compact car...a Toyota Yaris 4 door hatchback. This is definitely a compact car.

Again there key was just a key and no remote open. Ugh. I popped the hatchback and it looked like my roller bag wouldn't fit. I did get it in...sideways. The interior is pretty spartan. Like the old Dodge Neon, the gauges are in the center of the dashboard. I guess this is so they can make the car a righty for British countries and a lefty for everywhere else. It is a bit odd and would be okay if the gauge panel were slightly angled toward the driver. But it faces directly so you never actually can see the speedometer straight on.

This is a fun car to drive. It is light as a feather and zips along nicely. The driver's seat is set up kind of high and I couldn't get the interior review mirror to adjust high enough for me. I don't think Toyota considered a six foot driver.

The side mirrors are good sized and there is plenty of glass to make viewing easy. For a small car it rides smooth and that is saying something given Texas roads.

I was a bit nervous about being passed by big eighteen wheelers and the possibility of getting sucked under their tires. That, of course, didn't happen and I think I ended up only passing one once. Even though there weren't any problems I don't think I'd like to be in an accident in this little thing.

Overall a very fun car to drive. There was a Dodge Ram pickup parked next to me when I went to go out for lunch. I think the Yaris would have easily fit in the bed of that truck.

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