Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That was a long day

At one point in the day, another person had to ask if it was still Monday.

I got up at 5am my time to do my cardio workout. I had a 7am breakfast round table with our head of my division.

The 7am went right up to the 8am start of class. The morning session went to 12:00noon and we were to be back at 12:45pm. The afternoon session lasted until past 5:30pm.

Dinner was from 5:30pm to 7pm. I went up to my room after the afternoon session to catch up on emails and answer project questions. I had to talk to a project member to answer some questions. Ate from 6:30pm to 7pm. We had an evening presentation from 7-9pm.

I worked out from 9:30-10pm. Got back to my room and did some more work until a bit after 11pm.

I did eat lunch outside and had my phone call with project member out by the pool. So much for being in sunny Florida.

1 comment:

bunny said...

yeah, what a day! you could be in prison rather than miami, it wouldn't matter!