Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Odds and Ends

Going through airport security on Monday in Minneapolis, a TSA person was taking everyone's shoes out of the trays and putting on the conveyor belt. She was very cheerful about it.

On the news that night there is a news story that the TSA has changed the policy on shoes and that all shoes should now not be in trays but put directly on the belt for scanning. No explanation for the change in policy but you have to figure something came up about it.

Also, going through security on Monday, the guy in front of me was on his cell phone. He wasn't saying anything so I figured he was on a conference call. He goes through the metal detector and when his phone comes through the scanners, he picks it up and continues his call. He never even hung up!

Dallas is suffering through some of the most beautiful weather :-)

It is cool and dry and sunny in the morning. By afternoon it is warm, dry and sunny. Just gorgeous. CNN is on the tvs in the breakfast lounge on the 25th floor. They will have morning shots from cameras at various cities. Yesterday they had a shot of Dallas with the sun rising just as I was looking out the 25th floor windows seeing the exact same view. It was really neat.

My "tan" from the competition is coming off like crazy. I kind of look like an alligator as the spray on tan comes off. My apologies to maid service. The white washcloth is pretty brown with tanning dye stuff.

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