Friday, May 15, 2009

The Journey - in numbers

I call this bodybuilding contest thing a journey. It has been a journey to see if I had the will power to eat right, workout right and think right. It has been a journey because I've kept my business travel going the entire way. It has been a journey because I've worked with friends and businesses to get where I've got.

Today I had my measurements taken at my workout studio, Fitness Together. Phil has done all my measurements since September of 2007 when I started going to Fitness Together.

Here are the raw numbers:

when I started working out with Fitness Together personal trainer:
09/04/2007 weight 196.8lbs; chest 41.825; waist 36.125; arm 13.875; fat weight 28.2

when I started my 12 week contest prep:
03/13/2008 weight 197; chest 41.125; waist 34.675; arm 14.5; fat weight 23.1

today 12 wks of contest prep:
05/15/2008 weight 181; chest 39.675; waist 32.375; arm 14.125; fat weight 16.7

I lost 16 lbs in 12 weeks. My chest is less than an inch smaller. I've lost over 2 inches in my waist. I lost 6 1/2 lbs of fat.

The differences from Sept, 2007 and even more dramatic. I've lost almost 4 inches around my waist!

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