Friday, May 22, 2009

Home On Time

We left Dallas-Fort Worth, DFW, right on time last night.

There was a family with two small children behind me. They were very well behaved. The little son was very chatty. His mom had given him medicine so he wouldn't throw up. He made sure the woman sitting next to him knew that. And that he kind of had a tendency to throw up. She asked him if he was going to throw up, which way would you turn? He demonstrated that he would throw up on his mom.

We landed a bit ahead of schedule which is sometimes not a good thing. The pilot announced that ground control was holding us on the tarmac and if we looked to our right we would see why.

A plane came rushing down the tarmac a ways from us. There was smoke coming from around the tires it looked like or within the cargo area. It was followed by several emergency vehicles with lights flashing. None of the emergency vehicles got very close though.

We weren't out long before we pulled way around the other plane and got to de-plane. I heard some passengers say they could see passengers getting off the smoking plane. They were using the rolling stairs and not the emergency shoots.

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