Sunday, February 8, 2009

Two unrelated crazy things

The first crazy thing: a woman just finished swimming across the Atlantic ocean....ACROSS the Atlantic!! That's crazy! And she is 56 years old. That's crazy!

The second crazy thing: everyone knows I intentionally steer clear of controversy on this blog, however, I find comments I've heard and read regarding the stimulus package to be crazy.

Specifically I'm referring to remarks that spending on the arts is not stimulative. I wonder how I was able to buy my house. Hmmm. Working at the Guthrie art institute. I wonder how I was able to buy two different cars over the years. Hmm. Working at various theaters around the

I can easily name dozen people who have bought homes and cars and thousands of dollars of other things by working in ... what? ... the arts.

1 comment:

DressmakingJames said...

Add me to the list of those who were able to buy a house, drive a car, and support my life through the ARTS!
Point well put, Jeff.