Friday, February 20, 2009

Bad Deed - Good Deed

I let slip the F-bomb yesterday at work. I'd been doing so well not letting the client get me riled up but I fell off the wagon. I don't really regret it but it was unfortunate.

That was the bad deed.

The flight home was quite crowded and, of course, late. There was a single soldier on the flight and I was prepared to give up my first class seat for him. Turned out there was a single first class seat empty.

I thought the flight attendants would give it to him but they weren't. So I mentioned it to one of the attendants and she went back and got him. He got applause walking from back of plane to front and hopefully enjoyed first class and being the third person off the plane. I wished the mom and her son had let him off first.

That was the good deed.

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