Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chevy Aveo

My Hertz theory was tossed out this past week. My theory, perhaps paranoia is the better word, was that Hertz somehow knows when I've rented from National and, therefore, I get a crappy car.

Last week I rented from Hertz again. That makes two weeks in a row. And this week, I got another crappy car!

The Chevy Aveo. I don't really have much nice to say. I think I've reviewed this one before but couldn't find the entry. I was pretty sure that this vehicle isn't even built by GM. A google search finds that it is indeed designed and built by Daewoo in Korea.

This thing rattled just standing still and at highway speed felt kind of dangerous. The controls are not well situated. It took me two days to figure out the cruise control. And the windshield wipers and light controls are opposite from almost every other car in the world. And I didn't find the trunk release until the last day.

One compliment is that the gauges are easy to see and read.

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