Thursday, July 31, 2008

Those little boxes of cereal

Could they make something more difficult to open than those little boxes of cereal. That's what the hotels mostly serve and I have the hardest time trying to get the darn things open.

First it is the box itself. I think these boxes could be the safest place to keep your valuables if you had the technology to make them yourself. I usually end up punching a hole in the box with the end of my spoon.

Once I've mangled the box, there's the plastic bag inside. Again the glue is something from NASA. I have only luckily avoided exploding the whole thing all over the room as I attempt to pull, twist, rip, tear, bite the thing open. A co-worker suffered the embarrassment of the exploding bag not once but twice. Raisin bran sprayed all over the place.

Of course, that was funny as all get out because it didn't happen to me.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When 84 degrees is cool

It was 84 degrees this morning at 7:00AM. It was 105 degrees Monday evening when I left the client office to go to hotel. Twenty degree difference made it feel like 84 was balmy.

It hasn't really been humid except in the morning and don't spend any time outside so all in all the heat isn't a factor. I guess it has there have been 11 out of the last 12 days over 100.

Today only supposed to get to 98. Practically a cool front!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

100 and something degress -- yeah -- NOT

Back to Dallas on Monday. Staying through Thursday noon. It is supposed to be over 100 degrees every day this week in Dallas!

I guess that isn't unusual but I am not looking forward to it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

An expensive cup of coffee

I had a dentist appointment this morning at 8am. I went to the dentist office and had my teeth cleaned.

On my way home I decided to stop at my favorite coffee spot, Isles Bun & Coffee. I traveled the usual way by turning left onto Isle Parkway off of Lake Street. Guess that isn't allowed between 7 and 9am. I didn't know and I've driven that for years.

Well, I made the turn at 8:50am. A cop was there with two other cars pulled over. I joined the line of cars receiving their "moving violation."

The violation amount? $125.00!! Cup of coffee. $2.00. Total: $127.00 for a cup of coffee!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Funny squirrel story

It is mostly funny because it didn't happen to me.

A little back story... my neighbor, Sunil, came over yesterday for an impromptu cookout in my backyard. He is having his chimney repaired and in the process discovered that another squirrel has gotten into his attic or eaves. He's had this problem several times and the squirrels get there by eating through the wood along the eaves.

He had been searching for his I said he's had this problem several times. He couldn't find it but is pretty sure where they are getting into his house.

The chimney repair man has left the ladder on the house for over a week. I was concerned during our big winds that it would come down but it hasn't.

This evening I was getting ready to go out to go to the gym. I was getting the cats off the back porch and what do I see but the squirrel climbing up the ladder to the roof. And Sunil is coming around the corner of his house and sees it too. I laughed and laughed. Sunil could not believe his eyes. It was so funny.

The squirrel makes it all the way up the ladder. And it isn't like he's climbing up the sides or some weird way. No. He's climbing up rung by rung. He gets to the top and lazily stretches out on the roof. I was half expecting him to pull out a beach towel and lotion. The squirrel was as relaxed as could be.

So funny...especially since it isn't my house.

Home and working from home

I'm in Minneapolis again this week. And this week I'm working from home.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The team in Minneapolis

One of the best self-portraits I think. Here is me and my team (Mindy, me, Fleur) on the Stone Arch bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A regular commuter

Riding the bus to and from IBM office is working great. It is expensive to work downtown though. Buying lunch and snacks. It is all way too convenient to wander through the skyway for something to eat or drink.

It has been pretty warm and way muggy. I've saved a lot of electricity by not working from home but I miss the ease of being home.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A change of pace

No travel this week but not working from home. My two team members have flown to Minneapolis so we can work together this week. So we're working in the IBM office in downtown Minneapolis.

I'll be riding the bus to and fro. I purchased a "Go To" card at the Metro Transit office. It works like the Oyster card in London. It holds money and you just have to press it on the reader in the bus or the lightrail. Oh, so convenient.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Some Seattle photos

The view from the IBM office 9th floor. The Space Needle is in the distance.

Self-portrait outside the IBM building.

Waiting for delayed flight. The view of Mt. Ranier was phenomenal. This picture doesn't do it justice.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Different location

In Seattle, Washington this week! It is so beautiful here. Bright, sunny and warm.

Had a series of problems this morning and was beginning to think I wouldn't or shouldn't be flying.

First my dishwasher (dishdrawer as many of you know) did not complete its cycle correctly. There was still water in it and the drawer wouldn't open properly. Also, it wouldn't turn on. There was some water in below so it kind of indicated that the overflow had tripped and shut it down. That is a safety feature so it doesn't flood the house.

That wasn't it. My drain was completely clogged up with gunk so the water wasn't able to be pumped out and drained. The dishdrawer then somehow tripped the GFI outlet so it wasn't getting any power.

I cleaned out all the drain pipe pieces and reset the GFI outlet. And all was well. But this was my morning to get ready to fly out of town. Thank goodness I had gotten up early and the flight wasn't until 9am.

The next incident was on the way to the airport. For those of you in Twin Cities you know there is all this construction on 35W and so no shoulders in the case of an emergency. Well... I'm getting ready to left exit from 35W to Highway 62, the "Service Soon" message displays on the dash and the wrench idiot light comes on. And worst of all, the darn thing slows to under 40 mph and won't go any faster. The engine won't rev and that's just that.

I turn on the flashers and start looking for some place to pull over. There are barricades everywhere and merging traffic and a long line of cars behind me. I finally get to a spot where I could pull over. My only hope was to shut the truck off and restart it and pray that it would "fix" itself.

It did.

I went on to the airport without any further problems. I'm hoping when I get back Friday night that I can make it home okay.

Guess I need to take the thing into the shop. Thank goodness for the Yahoo Ford Escape Hybrid (FEH) user group. Someone posted a similar issue and how they got their '07 fixed.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Home again

Went for my traditional last morning snorkel on Saturday. Decided I would try to see if the giant eel was in its lair. But it wasn't.

Did see an octopus though. So fascinating. It was tucked into the side of the "wall" doing a pretty good job of blending in but not enough.

Got checked out of hotel and off to airport without any hitches. Had a long layover in Dallas so had dinner and made some phone calls.

After we took off, the pilot told us we had the rate opportunity of a second sunset. As were were taxing to the runway, the sun set in Dallas. Because we were traveling north, the sun came back up just above the horizon and stayed there for quite a while as we flew due north. It finally set for the second time about half hour or more into the flight.

Friday, July 4, 2008

I did not drown

Had my first scuba experience yesterday. Carlos at Pepe's Scuba here at Coral Princess hotel was my instructor.

He explained all the equipment. How to use the respirator and how to retrieve it when you're underwater if you lose it. Most importantly for me was how to clear water from your goggles underwater.

We did a brief go through in the swimming pool then went right into the ocean off the hotel. The water is about 20 feet deep. I had some problems getting the buoyancy vest to deflate enough to let me sink. I'm not naturally very buoyant so thought it was kind of funny.

We swam along with the current. Carlos showed me the "home" for a big squid. The squid was in there all curled up. He also showed me the biggest green eel I had ever seen. It must have been at least 4 feet long and a good 10 or 12 inches tall. It was enormous. I had snorkeled around the spot several times and had not seen it.

The experience was good. Especially since I didn't drown or have any real problems. I'm not sure if I would do it again though.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

(No Subject)

Pretty much not doing anything.

Sleeping (sun bathing...thank goodness for spray on sun guard to reach everywhere).

Reading (Jimmy Carter auto-biography of his boyhood in Plains, Georgia).

Snorkeling (only occasionally and only here at the hotel).

I did go into town last night to eat at favorite restaurant, Casa Denis, just off the Plaza Mayor.

Today I'm actually going to do a planned activity. Taking an introduction to scuba course. If you don't hear from me, I've succumbed to the bends or some other tragic outcome.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cozumel, Mexico

Finally a non-business trip. Flew from Minneapolis to Miami. Then Miami to Cozumel in a prop-jet. I thought you couldn't fly directly from the United States to Cuba but I guess you can. There was an American Eagle flight from Miami to Havana right before my flight.

Got here safe and sound. The flight to Cozumel was not full and took a little over an hour. They didn't have the custom's forms on the plane so had to fill out in the airport. Got through passport control and the very short custom's declaration line where you press a button. If the light turns red, you have to have your bags searched. It the light turns green, you get to go on through.

Paid my taxi fare at the airport window...$8 US or 78 pesos. Turns out I had quite a lot of pesos left over from my last trip so using them. The exchange rate this month is almost exactly 10 to 1. 10 pesos to one dollar. Makes easy for calculating in my head.

First thing you have to do when you get here is not worry about time. I didn't even bring my watch. Even though I was the first in the transport, the drivers want to fill up the van to make it worth it. My hotel is on the north side and not as many people stay on this side. It took a while to get more passengers so I just sat and read my book.

I was the first to be dropped off at my hotel which is not far from the airport. I dumped my stuff in the room; put on my swimming suit; went down to the beach and jumped in the ocean. The beach at my hotel is all man made because we actually are sitting on the coral. The water off the pier is pretty deep...probably 15 feet or more but crystal clear and full of fish. The corals were pretty damaged up by Hurricane Wilma a few years ago. The hotel itself was nearly destroyed.

The corals are coming back and soon will be quite spectacular.

Towel art.

The famous sunsets...