Saturday, September 27, 2014

Frankie and Uno

It has been a while since I posted some photos of the kitties.
a moment of sibling comfort

Frankie squeezing into the apple basket.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Worth bragging about...

Bowled a 222 on my Thursday league. I think that ties my personal best.  Finished with a 537 scratch series. I was very happy with tonight's bowling.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Apple harvesting

Picked first official 1/4 bushel of apples today. Lots more to come.

The apples are so tight that picking one causes one or two others to fall off.

Wild and Crazy (Minnesota Wild Foundation 5k)

Michele, Trish, Jon and me.

The Minnesota Wild hockey team foundation had their first fund raising run in downtown St. Paul. Michele and Jon are season ticket holders and big fans.

Jon came up with the 'wild and crazy' costume theme and, of course, Trish had exactly what we needed. I did borrow my top from Rose which she happened to be wearing the previous night.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Another addition to the new living room

I finally decided on a way to display some of my underwater photography. ShutterFly let's you configure a series of photos as a wall display.

The photos (12x12) arrived last week. The wall template has not arrived yet and I wanted them closer than in the template anyway so I decide I would hang them on my own. How difficult could it be to hang 6 12x12 photos in two rows of three so that they are perfectly aligned??


Monday, September 15, 2014

Busy Weekend of Fun

What a weekend which really started on Thursday. Bowled on Hookers and Bowl team (Jenny and Andrew's league) . First two games were not great but third was 194!

Friday went to opening of White Snake at the Guthrie. Rose so graciously takes me to opening nights. Really enjoyed the show based on a Chinese fable. The visuals were wonderful.

Saturday morning was a 5k called the Suds Run It was a cold morning but warmed up quickly. This was another Running for Brunch event, though there were only three of us plus Gypsy, the dog. So the costumes were Three Blind Mice.

Saturday evening was a garden party dinner and David's. David has a beautiful, tranquil backyard and prepared a delicious meal. We retreated indoors for dessert as the temperature kept going down after sunset.

Sunday was the Minneapolis Parks Bike Tour of the Grand Round. Kelly and Bud joined me for the 32 mile bike ride from the Mississippi River to Minnehaha Creek to the Chain of Lakes and on to Theodore Worth Park and Victory Memorial Drive then back to the Mississippi River.

It was a cool day with perfect sunshine. The beer at the end was so nice.
Sunday night was more bowling -the start of my regular Sunday Bowlers league. We have a new team member this year--my friend Jenny. I am a substitute on her Thursday team and now she is a regular on my Sunday team.

I didn't bowl great but what a weekend!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Living Room Furniture Update

I solved the desk/side table with a piece of furniture I already had. It is my Dad's table from the Philippines. It has turned legs with metal claw toe feet. In my mind it was square but it is actually a small rectangle. It is a bit wobbly but fits perfectly and brings in a piece of history to the room.

Additionally, I've been wanting to put up some of my photos but never felt I really had the wall space. The new furniture has a much lower profile which made the little bit of wall space more apparent (and bare).

My first piece is the Eiffel Tower photo that has such a special effect look. I used Shutterfly to make a photo-on-canvas. It turned out great I think. You can see the piece in the first photo above. Here is a closer look.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Denver trip trip

No pictures for this entry. Just a bit of story telling.

This was another business trip to Denver. Since it was Labor Day week, only traveled Tuesday through Thursday. On Wednesday a small group of us decided to have dinner together. But before dinner we also decided to purchase and try some edibles.

As you may know Colorado has legalized marijuana. There are countless store fronts all over downtown Denver where you can purchase a variety of marijuana in a variety of forms. We stopped at just one of the many between the office and where we were having dinner.

I was expecting cookies or brownies... old school edibles. Bit this place had bummers and sour patch edibles. You can purchase by potency. We decided on 10mg gummy fish and watermelon sour patches. You are not allowed to smoke or ingest on the store's property. As soon as we were out the door, 4out of the 5 of us ate a couple.

Fast forward a couple of hours. I thought I was getting a bit of a buzz half way through dinner but it was pretty mild. After dinner and on the way back to our respective hotels we each had another.

Bunny and Jennifer, you will appreciate the rest of this. I felt it was time to tell the cannibal joke. I have been practicing so that I would get it just right. I did. One person thought it was the best joke ever. Another person did not get it. I repeated it several times and it was getting funnier with each telling.

In the meantime I decided to tell the 'man with no arms and legs' jokes. I had only gotten to the pile of leaves while still explaining the cannibal joke when someone asked, "How big was the pile?"

I nearly fell down laughing so hard. Everything kicked on... the edibles, the cannibal, the pile of leaves, the dinner, the tiredness from long hours, the altitude. It was fantastic.