Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last day in Paris - part 2 of 2

I reached out to Facebook friends for guidance and got some really good suggestions.  I also did some research on the internet to scope out where to go. I knew I wasn't going to be able to spend more than a couple of hours plus when I woke up Wednesday my cold/allergy was in full bore.

So my plan was to get there in late afternoon hoping that the crowds would be reduced and it worked out perfectly.

From Notre Dame I walked to the Louvre. Wednesday was the first day of actual warmth since I arrived. The sky was blazing blue and it was forecast to get in the lower 80's. My legs were very sore from all the walking over the past week and half and especially the Versailles trip.

Representing Old Chicago at the Louvre!
My plan was based on information from Bob Davis. I headed to Winged Victory which is on the way to the Mona Lisa. Then on information from Rachel Druker, I explored the antiquities collections.

Winged Victory. I over heard a curator explain that this is one of the few pieces that has not changed bases and location since the pyramid was added to the museum.
I thought the crowds around the Mona Lisa was more interesting than the actual painting. Plus I couldn't get very close. Look at the photo. A lot of people aren't taking a photo of the painting but a photo of themselves in front of the painting.
I didn't take very many pictures in the museum. No point really because you can see a lot of the collection online. Just a few pieces really caught my eye and I wanted to keep them and share.
These stone fish (antiquities collection) are for Jill.
I just thought this vessel in the shape of an ass head was cool.

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