Monday, June 3, 2013

Flea Market and Sainte Chapelle

Well, it is either a cold or allergies. My nose is running to beat the band and I have a bit of a cough.  Tried some pseudophedrine which worked for about 2 hours. Each succeeding dose was less and less effective. Next I'll try the allergy stuff.

Nonetheless, I went to a flea market on the other side of town. I was hoping to find some unique item or items to bring home. Didn't happen. Lots of clothing and household goods and very little antiques or collectible stuff. It was interesting none the less and I did get to try out my French on one transaction.

From the market I went to Metro stop Cité. A striking station in a Beau Arts style. I could not get a picture that did it justice. Cité is on an island in the Seine. The ministry of justice is located here and so is Sainte-Chappele, a church built in 1246 and is known for its stained glass windows. The windows are being restored. Slightly over 1/2 are completed. The difference is astounding.

The ceiling in the Sainte-Chappelle 'basement'

Sainte-Chapelle looking in from outside.

The sun blazing through one of the restored windows. The rose window is seen partially on the right.

I've thought this funny since arriving. Advertisement for Hangover 3 movie. Apparently the French do not have a word for hangover -- odd??

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