Thursday, June 27, 2013

Supermoon and super story

A picture of this month's supermoon.

But the real super thing is what happened before this picture was taken on Monday night.

I was walking home from the bus stop and noticed a police SUV parked at the top of my street. I turned the corner to walk down the alley to my backyard like I always do and there was a police car parked/hiding behind my garage. And two policemen in front of the car also hiding behind the garage.

One cop had is gun out! I stopped and asked if I should walk down the alley. The non-gun cop waved me on like nothing was going on. I noticed a bunny rabbit in my neighbor's backyard and joked if that was the target.  The non-gun policeman said it was.

I went on by and into my house. I walked to the front of the house to go out on the porch to get my mail. There was another policeman standing up against my house at the porch window. He turned around to look at me opening my front door to get the mail. He didn't say anything. I noticed another policeman in the bushes next to the neighbor's house. He also had is gun out.

I really wanted to mow my lawn because the neighborhood garden tour was scheduled to come through later on. By the time I got changed and back in the yard, the police were all gone.

I got my lawn mowed. The garden tour group came through and left. Soon after two cars pulled into the neighbor's drive. I recognized one of the cars.  An older man that I recognized from the police time was in the other car...along with an older woman. I was now prepared to get more answers. The older woman was actually coming over to me.

She introduce herself as Mike's girl friend's mother. Mike lives in the upstairs of the duplex next door.  Mike as apparently missing and they were deeply concerned for him. Especially concerned that he might harm himself. She didn't think he would harm anyone else. I got the girl friend's phone number and said I would keep an eye out and keep Mike in my thoughts.

Now for the moon.  The moon was so bright it actually woke me up a bit after midnight. I decide it was worth a photo. I grabbed my camera and went out the back door.  I immediately sensed something as not right.  I heard some guys in the duplex backyard. One of them was very loud and was looking for Mike. He came over to me to ask if I'd seen Mike. I didn't think this guy was up to any good. I told him no.

I went to the front to take the picture. By the time I got back around to the backyard the boys were gone. I was contemplating calling the police but figured since there was no one around anymore it wouldn't really do any good.  But I did decide I would call the girl friend. May be she knew who these guys were.

She did recognize the one guy's name and said she did not like him. But the good news was that Mike had been found and was in the VA hospital. I was relieved for her and especially for Mike. He was being taken care of.  Hopefully he gets better.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Running For Brunch - Guthrie 50th anniversary 5k

The team's June run was part of the Guthrie Theater's 50th anniversary celebration and community day.

It was very muggy but I had a real good run plus I won best male costume. I made the various collars that everyone is wearing.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Friday storm

down the block

On the way to coffee

low barometric  pressure???

Friday, June 21, 2013

Severe storm

There was quite the storm last night. I woke up at 2am. I don't think from the storm but it was just getting started. I didn't really get back to sleep until 4:30am.

This down tree limb is from just one street over. And Miss America lost a lot of her blossoms.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Miss America peony...again

I cannot show off this blooming plant enough. This year is definetly the most impressive display.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

More Miss America

I probably say this every year but I think there are more blossoms than ever. The cool rainy weather seems to be good for the peonies.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Opera outdoors

The MN Opera did a series of performances of La Boheme outdoors. Friends Stephen and bb went with me to Faribault, an hour south of Minneapolis. It was a magical event.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More blooming

Just took some more sun to get more flowers.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Miss America

Big storm came through with lots of rain and even some thunder. Kelly came over and we sat out the last of the rain under the patio umbrella.

The sun came out and we could basically watch the Miss America peony blossom open up. It was magical.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Northern Sparks

Me, Kay and her writer-book club friend Kathy at the Northern Spark performance event in St. Paul.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last night in Paris - night views

I am not sure how these pictures came out this way but it is a great effect. I think I used the fireworks setting on my camera then when I used to clean up the picture, the  auto-correct created the effect.
Eiffel Tower lit up at 11:00pm.

France's Liberty - smaller version of the Statue of Liberty (aka Lady Liberty) that France gave to the United States. This one in Paris was erected in 1986 on the centennial celebration of the USA Statue of Liberty.

Last night in Paris

My friends Bud and Sureyya made their travel plans to Paris to coincide with my visit. It also happens to be Sureyya's birthday on Thursday. We met at l'Ile Restaurant in St. Germain Park. It is a trendy place mostly I think because of its locale. The service was atrocious and the food was just okay. The company was great though.

We were so busy catching up that no one thought to take a picture. Finally at the train station I remembered...hence this photo.
Me, Sureyya, Bud

Last day in Paris - part 2 of 2

I reached out to Facebook friends for guidance and got some really good suggestions.  I also did some research on the internet to scope out where to go. I knew I wasn't going to be able to spend more than a couple of hours plus when I woke up Wednesday my cold/allergy was in full bore.

So my plan was to get there in late afternoon hoping that the crowds would be reduced and it worked out perfectly.

From Notre Dame I walked to the Louvre. Wednesday was the first day of actual warmth since I arrived. The sky was blazing blue and it was forecast to get in the lower 80's. My legs were very sore from all the walking over the past week and half and especially the Versailles trip.

Representing Old Chicago at the Louvre!
My plan was based on information from Bob Davis. I headed to Winged Victory which is on the way to the Mona Lisa. Then on information from Rachel Druker, I explored the antiquities collections.

Winged Victory. I over heard a curator explain that this is one of the few pieces that has not changed bases and location since the pyramid was added to the museum.
I thought the crowds around the Mona Lisa was more interesting than the actual painting. Plus I couldn't get very close. Look at the photo. A lot of people aren't taking a photo of the painting but a photo of themselves in front of the painting.
I didn't take very many pictures in the museum. No point really because you can see a lot of the collection online. Just a few pieces really caught my eye and I wanted to keep them and share.
These stone fish (antiquities collection) are for Jill.
I just thought this vessel in the shape of an ass head was cool.

Last day in Paris - part 1 of 2

Even after a full day of Versailles on Tuesday I bucked it up and did more sightseeing. I realized I had not been to Notre Dame nor the Louvre.  This part covers Notre Dame for the most part.

These pictures are in reverse order. The bridges are some of the ones I passed walking from Notre Dame to the Louvre museum.  With the Seine River s-curving through Paris, there are lots of bridges of all different kinds.

 Notre Dame's outdoor architecture is much more fascinating that the interior in my opinion. The church is celebrating 850 year anniversary this year with renovations including new bells. There is also a large pavilion in front where you can sit and people watch.
Representing Old Chicago at Notre Dame!

An angel that looks over your back when you are in the back of Notre Dame looking down to the nave.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Versailles - part 2 of 2

My idea for capturing the interior was to take a series of photos of the ceilings. When I was trying to leave, I got confused and ended up back on the tour. It was 5:30pm by this time and the rooms were so less crowded.  I put the camera on timer, placed it on the floor in the center of the room, clicked the shutter then stepped back. I think I might have an interesting series for cards.

I don't remember all the rooms but that isn't really the point. All the rooms in the Grand Apartments on the first floor had painted ceilings.

But my favorite part of the palace was the ground floor where they have recreated The Mesdames' Apartments, two daughters of Louis XV, Adelaide and Victoire. The audio stories accompanying the rooms was informative and playful.

Versailles part 1 of 2

Well I had been warned that there was a lot to see at Versailles. And boy is there ever.

I did not get there super early like several sites had suggested. My cold/allergy thing is difficult to deal with. I think I left the apartment around 9:30am. Stopped at Kaysers my local boulanger - pastry and bread shop for picnic lunch goodies.

I can catch the train to Versailles just two Metro stops away. The train was packed so that was not a good sign.  Followed the crowd which lead to the entrance. The line to get it S-curved through the open entry way. I took the next tip which was to hit the gardens. The fountains were going. Music was going. It was lovely.

The fountains do not operate all day and some have very limited times so I focused on those. That brought me to the Petite Trianon and the other outlying areas of the vast Versailles grounds. I arrived just moments before the Petite Trianon opened (noon) and there were only a handful of people waiting. In we went and toured the Queen's private palace with very few people.

From the Petite Trianon I went to the Queen's Hamlet. This is a constructed English village. It was Marie Antoinette's idea. I can see where Disney came up with his theme park design. In addition to being a little created village it is a working farm with animals and vegetables.

From here I arrived at the Grand Trianon which was the King's residence. Beautiful and actually rather simple in design.

I had my picnic lunch before going to the Grand Trianon. A couple from Australia sat next to me on the bench. They are in Paris for a grandson's wedding. It was a lovely chat.

From the Grand Trianon I decided it was time to tackle the palace itself. I made it around to the entrance and there was no line. I got directly in lickety split.  The real challenge came when I entered the actual palace building. It was very very crowded. Everyone was holding the cameras up taking pictures. A good deal of the crowd were Japanese or Chinese so I towered above them. But boy give 'em credit, they'll push and shove with the best of 'em.

There is a really good audio tour provided with your admission. I had my ear phones with me so it made it super easy and hands free.

There really is no way to take good pictures of such a vast place. The fountain pictures mostly look small and uneventful though that is far from the reality. Indoor pictures of the rooms are flat and rather meaningless.

In this part 1 of 2 I focus on the outdoor scenes that I think capture a little taste of the place. It is so so vast.
Front entry gate top.

Petite Trianon

Queen's Hamlet

Queen's Hamlet

Panorama of palace facing the park. It is not curved. Apparently the longest building facade of its kind.

A curled tree. There is a vast forest as part of the estate.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Flea Market and Sainte Chapelle

Well, it is either a cold or allergies. My nose is running to beat the band and I have a bit of a cough.  Tried some pseudophedrine which worked for about 2 hours. Each succeeding dose was less and less effective. Next I'll try the allergy stuff.

Nonetheless, I went to a flea market on the other side of town. I was hoping to find some unique item or items to bring home. Didn't happen. Lots of clothing and household goods and very little antiques or collectible stuff. It was interesting none the less and I did get to try out my French on one transaction.

From the market I went to Metro stop Cité. A striking station in a Beau Arts style. I could not get a picture that did it justice. Cité is on an island in the Seine. The ministry of justice is located here and so is Sainte-Chappele, a church built in 1246 and is known for its stained glass windows. The windows are being restored. Slightly over 1/2 are completed. The difference is astounding.

The ceiling in the Sainte-Chappelle 'basement'

Sainte-Chapelle looking in from outside.

The sun blazing through one of the restored windows. The rose window is seen partially on the right.

I've thought this funny since arriving. Advertisement for Hangover 3 movie. Apparently the French do not have a word for hangover -- odd??


I hadn't intended on the day's sightseeing to be so focused but that's what happened. I wandered the Montmartre district but first I had a very long leisurely brunch at a nice cafe

This district is known for a lot of different things. One is the cemetery. There are thousands of graves of all different times and kinds. The cemetery is very much still in use today.  There are several famous people buried here. I didn't come to see those but just to explore. It was peaceful as you would want a place of rest to be.

Many of the tombs have personal plantings and other personalized symbols and mementos.

A beautiful wild rose planted for someone a long time ago??

Emile Zola grave site though he is now entombed at the Pantheon. My Metro stop is named after him.

The famous Moulin Rouge in Montmartre district.

From the cemetery I headed to Sacre-Coeur. It is a very large church on top of the mount of Montmartre. Tiny streets along the way filled with people shopping and cafe-ing.  There are hundreds of steps up to the church. People hang out on the steps overlooking the city.
Me in front of Sacre-Coeur church. It is on top of the mount.
A real find was the Musee Montmartre. It was having a three-day exhibit called Le Chat Noir (The Black Cat). It covered the time that most people think of when thinking of Paris...the late 1800's. The time of Toulouse LeTrec, the can-can girls of Moulin Rouge, the artists, the cafes, the music, the baudiness. It was a wonderful exhibit located in a home with gardens.  And as I was leaving, there was a black cat at the exit....very fitting.
A recreation of the vineyards once all around Montmartre.
I left Montmarte on the opposite side from where I had come up. It was a nice day of sightseeing.