Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So close yet so far...or The Long And Winding Road

Stuck at LAX!  Sydney flight to Nadi, Fiji left a bit late and landed a bit late but that was okay because I had a long layover in the Nadi airport.  Couldn't do anything or go anywhere in Fiji unfortunately and it got dark soon after I landed.

Nadi, Fiji is 2 hours ahead of Sydney and still on the far side of the International Dateline.

Flight from Fiji to LAX left pretty much on time.  I was in business class on a Boeing 747.  Air Pacific does not have first class so business is the top of line but it isn't that top.  There are only 23 seats and they do almost recline fully but there are no other amenities to speak of.  I think the coach passengers actually got a better meal.

But I'm not going to complain too much.  I was able to sleep some even though it was probably the bumpiest flight I have ever had!  Pretty much continuously rocking and rolling...fortunately no stomach in your throat drops.

Got to LAX a little bit earlier than scheduled.  I had planned on trying to change my flight to Minneapolis via Chicago to an earlier flight through Dallas.  My checked bag was nearly the last one down to the carousel.  By the time I got my bag it was going to be a close call to get the earlier flight.

I called American Airlines to see if I could change the booking over the phone.  That's when I found out the flight to Chicago was canceled and so were any flights to Chicago OR Dallas for the entire day!!!

I am now in the American Airlines First Class lounge hanging out, getting some work done and making phone calls.  I was able to take a shower, shave and change clothes -- super yeah!

And I'm going to meet up with Jenny's friend Michael for dinner at the LA Experience restaurant here at the airport.  If Dallas re-opens, I'm scheduled for a 12:20AM red-eye then a 7:25am DFW to MSP on Wednesday.

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