Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old Chicago St. Patrick's Mini-Tour

 Bunny enjoying the not-so-appetizing-sounding mutton stew pizza.

Chef Tim at the Uptown Old Chicago often makes a pizza to fit the mini-tour kick-off party.  This year he made mutton stew pizza with lamb, carrots and a brown sauce on pizza dough.  It doesn't sound like it would be very good but it was excellent!
 Christy, our ever present server, kept us going forward on the mini-tour.  Let's just say Bunny and I are almost halfway through already.  Neither of us were driving.
Loretta heading for the free food...followed by Bunny and me.

Uptown Old Chicago is the best!  Lots of free food and giveaways.  Loretta and I won t-shirts and even though Christy REALLY tired to help Bunny, Bunny was stumped and didn't win anything.

I gave her the t-shirt I won.

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