Monday, February 14, 2011

Significant melting

It stayed above freezing overnight.  Amazing that it was as warm as it was Saturday and Sunday but to be 36 degrees at 6am was even more incredible.  The walk from the house to the garage was made easier by the amount of melting that occurred yesterday and during the night.

It would appear the ground under the snow is not frozen because there aren't that many puddles of water and the over 2 feet of accumulation is down at least 6 or more inches.  And the best news is that my efforts to get rid of the ice damn on the roof seem to have paid off.

There was no dripping into the downstairs bathroom and a glance up at the roof this morning showed no snow or ice on the backside of the sunroom roof.  I was concerned with the front side but....fingers seepaage into the house. I'll still need to open up the ceiling this Spring and check for mold or damage.

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