Monday, January 31, 2011

Parramatta River

Marlin and I took the ferry to Parrmatta up the Parramatta River that feeds the Sydney Harbour.  Because of low tide we were dropped off at the town before Parramatta and then took a bus for another 12 minutes.

As they say in Australia, it was stinking hot!  Not humid, thank goodness, in Parramatta but the sun and temperature were intense.  We ate lunch at an Italian place...there were many Italian restaurants.  Briefly walked around the town and then got the bus back to the ferry and on back to Sydney.

It was really too hot to do anything much but I wanted to go the wildlife exhibit in Darling Harbour close the hotel.  We headed over there about 5pm only to find out that the brochure was wrong ("Oh, that's old") when it stated that it was open until 9pm.

We walked over to the other part of the harbour to check out dinner options.  It was all just too hot for me so back to the hotel for a quiet night in the air conditioning.  I've become such a wimp about the heat.

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