Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day

 Chris and I walked down from the hotel to the harbor for what is one of Australia's biggest days of outdoor activities...Australia Day.

The Harbour Wharf was packed with people.  The harbor was packed with boats.
 Part of the festivities included two tall ships sailing into the harbor and under the Harbour Bridge.

It was a bit foggy...and really hot and humid.
 The Sydney Opera is so iconic.  It really is an amazing set of structures being three separate buildings put together.
We walked through the Botanic Gardens to the New South Wales Art Museum.  As we reached the top of the garden, an Australian fighter jet made three loops around the harbor.

The decibel level was beyond belief and set off the thousands of fruit bats in the park.
Australia Day festivities ended up with fireworks at Darling Harbour...just a few blocks from the hotel.

There was a synchronized sailboat routine before the main fireworks display.  Their sails changed colors as the sailed in formation around the harbor.

Marlin and I walked over to the bridge in the harbor.  There were thousands and thousands of people.
Here's the harbor after the fireworks with the sail boats parked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet the ships were really cool. It's a heat wave here, 18 above.