Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Australian Open

 Chris and I headed over to the Open right when it was starting today.  Much bigger crowds today.

Our first match was an American versus an Aussie.  Big crowd and everyone but Chris, me and maybe 3 others were cheering for the Australian.  It was great fun.  A group of about 5 Aussies would start the stadium wave thing during the player breaks.  One time it went around a few times then for somehow turned into a slow motion wave.  It was hysterial.  Even the court judge started to laugh.  Then to conclude the wave before the end of the rest period,  the same guys got the wave to go double time.  Great fun.

I went back to the hotel to meet Marlin who was arriving today.  Chris stayed to watch another match.

Marlin arrived right about when I expected.  I had arranged with the hotel to greet him like an Amazing Race contestant.  He appreciated the fun.

He wanted to shower and rest up a bit so I went back to the Open.

I found Chris and we finished up the match he was watching.  We wandered around the Open watching people, matches and having a blast.

We ended up watching a beautiful Brazilian playing another not so beautiful Brazilain. The pretty one won.  But also this match was in the tennis players' practice area.  And who should be practicing by Roger Federer!  I snapped this photo of him using my camera's digital zoom.

Marlin and I ended up going to the commercial business district (CBD) for dinner.  But the restaurants were all closing their kitchens when we got there.  We ended up at an okay Thai restaurant....well, sort of Thai.

It was interesting going downtown.

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