Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Morning mullings

Staying at a new hotel in Dallas this week.  The Omni in Farmers Market.  There is no farmers market in Farmers Market.  No breakfast with my hotel stay so I got to go IHOP!  Big Big Breakfast.

Driving to client office I saw two canadian geese....with chicks!  I guess that couple decided not to travel all the way to Canada.  Gonna be spending a hot summer in Texas.

I really really screwed up my travel this week.  I'm going to San Francisco this evening to be on site for another client on Thursday.  However, I mistakenly made my return flight for Thursday red-eye instead of Friday red-eye.  That basically made my San Francisco trip a 4 hour visit to the airport.

It is costing $150 to change the flight; $80 for a hotel on Thursday night now; and $40 to rent a car to and from airport on Thursday night.  Hoepfully, I won't get into too much trouble.

So now my flight from San Francisco is early evening on Thursday so not so much time at client/work.  About the only good thing was I got upgraded to first class on the flight from SFO to DFW.

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